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Seasonal Watering Guide for Houston Landscapes: Optimizing Irrigation for Commercial & Community Properties

6 Minute Read

As an HOA board member or property manager, you know firsthand the struggles of keeping a commercial landscape looking great while managing irrigation costs.

Adjusting your irrigation system throughout the seasons can be a daunting task, especially with Houston’s unpredictable weather patterns. From sudden rainstorms to prolonged dry spells, it’s a constant battle to find the right balance. 

Let’s explore the challenges of creating an effective watering schedule, the benefits of smart irrigation systems, and some seasonal watering schedule recommendations.

The Difficulty of Creating a Lawn and Landscape Watering Schedule in Houston

The most challenging aspect of caring for a commercial landscape in Houston is certainly irrigation. As you know, the climate here in Houston can be volatile. With weather patterns ranging from intermittent rain and cool temperatures to no rain and extremely hot temperatures for weeks, it makes managing your commercial irrigation system difficult. The unpredictability of weather can disrupt even the most carefully planned watering schedules. Sudden rain storms can lead to overwatering if irrigation systems are not adjusted in time, while unexpected dry spells can stress plants if additional watering is not promptly provided. 

irrigation expert inspects irrigation system

In addition to climate fluctuations, managing irrigation systems on commercial properties is also challenging because of local regulations. Some local government entities in and around Houston may enact fines or fees during periods of drought for watering outside of the given parameters. 

The varying water needs of different plants and lawn areas can add another layer of complexity when attempting to create a lawn and landscape watering schedule. Shady areas require less water, while sunny spots require more frequent irrigation. These sun and shade locations can change as plants grow in size as well. Soil types also affect water retention, with sandy soils needing more frequent watering than clay.

Seasonal Watering Schedule Adjustments and Suggestions

To effectively combat these challenges, it is essential to adapt your irrigation plan as the seasons change. Typically, Spring requires moderate irrigation, summer demands heavy irrigation, and winter needs very little. However, Houston’s unique climate with its varying weather patterns can disrupt these norms. For instance, a rainy summer season may necessitate less frequent irrigation, while a dry, warmer-than-average winter might still require regular watering to maintain landscape health. 

irrigation technician adjusts controller

Meeting your landscape’s needs can be extremely difficult without a smart irrigation system. Even monthly irrigation inspections are insufficient to adjust and set controllers according to Houston’s fluctuating weather trends.

Smart irrigation systems offer a solution by monitoring the weather, soil moisture, and temperatures, making real-time adjustments to your watering schedule. These systems ensure optimal irrigation, conserving water, and promoting a healthier landscape by providing the precise amount of water needed at the right times. This technology not only simplifies the management of your irrigation system but also helps you to comply with local water regulations and avoid potential fines.

How Often to Water a Lawn for Optimal Health

Most Houston landscapes require roughly 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, including rainfall. Supplementing rainfall with automated irrigation can be tricky to get just right. Here are some general guidelines which must be adjusted for specific weather conditions:

sprinkler heads water grass near splash pad

  • Spring: Moderate irrigation is typically required. As temperatures rise and rainfall varies, adjust your watering schedule to ensure the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged.

  • Summer: Heavier irrigation is often necessary. Houston’s hot and humid summers can quickly dry out lawns, so more frequent watering is usually needed to maintain optimal soil moisture. This may need to be dialed back in a rainy Summer season.

  • Fall: As temperatures cool, you can gradually reduce the frequency of watering. However, pay attention to rainfall patterns and adjust accordingly. Over watering once ground temperatures drop below 80 degrees can lead to unsightly fungal Brown Patch which discolors the lawn.

  • Winter: Minimal irrigation is required, especially if there is regular rainfall. However, during unusually dry and warm winters, occasional watering may still be necessary to prevent stress on your lawn.

Leveraging Smart Irrigation Technology

While these general guidelines are helpful, the most effective way to ensure your lawn receives the right amount of water is by using a smart irrigation controller like Weathermatic. Based on weather trends you can make judgment calls to manually set your irrigation system, but a smart controller offers a superior solution.

irrigation technician adjust sprinkler head with phone in hand

A smart irrigation controller is designed to adjust watering schedules automatically. It considers the microclimate of the weather station on-site and makes real-time adjustments based on current conditions. This technology takes into account these factors:

  • Weather Conditions: Smart controllers use local weather data to determine when and how much to water. They can skip watering during rainy periods and increase irrigation automatically during dry spells.

  • Soil Type, Plant Type and Slope: The system takes into account the soil type, plant type and slope when setting watering schedules. 

  • Temperature: Temperature fluctuations are also considered, with adjustments made to prevent stress on your lawn during extreme heat or unexpected cold snaps.

The Best Time to Water Landscapes in Houston

Watering your landscape at the right time of day is crucial for maintaining its health and beauty, especially in Houston’s fluctuating climate. The optimal time to water your landscape, regardless of the season, is during the early morning hours. Here’s why this timing is so effective and beneficial:

irrigation technician adjusts sprinkler controller on computer

  1. Early Morning Watering Prevents Evaporation: Watering in the early morning helps prevent significant water loss due to evaporation. During these hours, temperatures are cooler and winds are usually calmer, allowing the water to soak into the soil effectively rather than evaporating in the heat of day.

  2. Early Morning Watering Reduces Root Rot and Fungal Growth: When you water your landscape in the evening, water may sit on the soil surface and around plant roots for an extended period. This prolonged moisture can lead to root rot, a condition where the roots of your lawn are deprived of oxygen and begin to decay. Early morning watering gives the soil and plants ample time to absorb water before the heat of the day, reducing the risk of root rot and fungal growth.

Hiring Commercial Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance in Houston, TX

Navigating the complexities of irrigation for commercial landscapes in Houston is a challenging yet crucial task. The volatile climate, potential local regulations, and varying water needs of different plants demand a carefully tailored approach to watering schedules, especially as seasons change. While smart irrigation systems provide real-time adjustments and ensure optimal water usage, regular maintenance, and inspections are equally important to keep your system efficient. 

Monthly irrigation inspections and timely repairs are essential to address wear and tear, preventing small issues from escalating into costly repairs. By maintaining your irrigation system, you can save valuable resources, enhance system efficiency, and avoid unexpected expenses.

At Monarch Landscape Management, our irrigation expertise ensures that your irrigation system is not only well-maintained but also optimized for Houston’s unique climate conditions. We hope you will consider our team of experts to help you achieve a lush and healthy landscape that thrives year-round. 

Need some help managing your commercial property’s irrigation system throughout the seasons? Get started today by filling out our contact form.

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Written By: Monarch Landscape Management

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